Get more bookings with Musicwise

Musicwise makes it easy to get more bookings for your studio, so you can spend less time doing admin and more time doing what you love.

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A community of over 30,000 musicians

We have the UK's largest community of musicians, so you're sure to reach the right musicians for your studio.

The UK's #1 studio booking platform


Musicians trust Musicwise to find the right studio for their project.

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Collect deposits


Collect deposits with ease and collect payments securely.

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Chat with musicians


You can chat with musicians easily on our platform to discuss projects in advance.

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Manage your bookings


Musicwise removes the worry about getting more bookings, so you can focus on what you love - the music.

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Take more payments


Take card payments quickly and easily with our small, mobile card readers. We are the one stop shop for all things payment based.

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Take more payments


Take card payments quickly and easily with our small, mobile card readers. We are the one stop shop for all things payment based.

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Take more payments


Take card payments quickly and easily with our small, mobile card readers. We are the one stop shop for all things payment based.

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Take more payments


Take card payments quickly and easily with our small, mobile card readers. We are the one stop shop for all things payment based.

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The UK's number 1 studio booking platform

Spend less time on admin


Musicwise looks after finding new projects and managing your bookings, so you can focus on the music.

Active Customers

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  • Reach more musicians


    Thousands of musicians use Musicwise every month to find and compare studios for their projects.

    Active Customers

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  • Et has minim elitr intellegat.
  • Get started in minutes


    Add your studio page in just 7 minutes to start receiving bookings from musicians.

    Active Customers

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  • Et has minim elitr intellegat.
  • Mae aeterno eleifend antiopam ad, nam no suscipit quarendum.
  • Et has minim elitr intellegat.
  • Secure payments


    Collect deposits securely on Musicwise and collect booking payments automatically online.

    Active Customers

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  • Et has minim elitr intellegat.
  • Mae aeterno eleifend antiopam ad, nam no suscipit quarendum.
  • Et has minim elitr intellegat.
  • Mae aeterno eleifend antiopam ad, nam no suscipit quarendum.
  • Et has minim elitr intellegat.
  • Testimonials

    David Tremblay

    Studio Manager

    We've been waiting for a platform like Musicwise for a long time. We're getting about 40 bookings per month for our rehearsal studio.

    Andrew Laurent

    Studio Owner

    What I particularly like about Musicwise is the way I can set my preferences - no last minute bookings and no low value projects. This saves me a lot of time.

    Steve Gable

    Studio Manager

    We've worked on some great new projects from Musicwise, with customers who are now regulars. Thanks a lot - appreciate it!

    Miko Larsson

    Studio Owner

    We've filled a lot of empty slots thanks to Musicwise. And we no longer need to worry about cancellations because deposits are all sorted on the platform - cheers.